FSC Consultants
With over 25 years’ experience in Project Controls and Project Planning, assuming positions of Senior Delay and Claims, and further specialising in Forensic Planning, Assisting Client and Contractors in Pre-Contracts and Strategic Project analysis. Which is combined with over 30 years of experience in Construction from a practical and consultancy level.
As an (RICS) Accredited Expert Witness (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors). We apply our skills to the assistance of both Contractors and Clients (Owners Teams). A Passionate Professional a desire to utilise our expertise in the performance of our services, such as;
Implementation of Project Control Procedures.
Project Strategy at a Senior Levels.
Implementation and assessment strategies for Project Recovery and implementation Project Status auditing and cost to complete forecast and recovery methodology.
Highly skilled in Earned Value Methodologies and Earned Schedule.
Measured Mile, Extension of Time, Disruption Claims.
Risk Analysis, Project Controls, Pre Contracts, Contract Negotiations, Strategic Policies & options, Procurements & FEED, and more recently the implementation and measurement as per Earned Schedule.
Most recently performing as a Senior Forensic Planner /Quantum Claims /Delay Analysts/ Expert Forensic Planner, in Dispute Boards and Legal preparations for Legal Counsel
Other areas of experience and skilled in Commercial Management/Project Management /Project Controls. Program Management Schedules/Baseline Schedules/Linear Schedules/Periodic Schedule Updates/Resource and Cost Loaded Schedules/Monte Carlo Risk Simulations/
Forensic Planning experience in techniques such as As-Planned vs. As-Built Schedule Analysis/Extension of Time Analysis/Acceleration Analysis/Delay Analysis and Quantification/Time Impact Analysis/Update Impact /Windows Analysis/Concurrent Delay /Collapsed As-Built or As-Built But-For Schedule/Calculation of Liquidated Damages or Actual Damages
Experienced planning and programming /commercial and Contract Claims. Extensive experience in buildings, O&G, mining, heavy engineering, transport, power & utilities, process.